
I believe in charging fees that are fair, transparent and consistent

As such I publish them openly on the following pages and do not negotiate on them without there being a fair value provided in exchange.

My fee rates for business coaching and mentoring are here.

My fee rates for leading online workshops are here and in-person workshops are here.

In these workshops I am usually:

I deliver a return on investment

The purpose of my business coaching and mentoring is to help my client to be more effective in their role.  My fees are typically 1%-3% of their employment cost (0.1% - 0.5% of the profit they are responsible for.  I believe (and existing clients will confirm) that the value I deliver is much more than my cost.

A typical workshop with me includes 16 people and costs £4-5k for the venue and their time.  Time during which they would otherwise typically be selling or delivering £50k of revenues and generating £10k of profit. I challenge myself and my client that to be worth doing (with or without me) the workshop should be adding at least £50k of value to the organisation. My fee is a small additional investment to gain that result.

My services are good value

I have over 40 years experience in business and over 30 years as a business leader. My rates are less than the Civil Justice Council determines for a solicitor with 8 years experience working outside London and similar to that of a partner in a small firm of accountants.

I invested over 5 years in training, gaining an MBA, a BSc (Eng) First Class Honours and a Certified Diploma in Accounting and Finance and since then have attended hundreds of CPD events totalling over 500 hours.

My fee is a payment for my expertise and experience not my time

I charge a fee to get a return on my investment in developing my expertise over 40 years. It is not a payment for my time.  90% of my fee is to leverage my IP, experience and expertise, 10% of my fee is for the time to personalise in a way that adds value for you.  . See here for an article explaining that concept!

I have many safisfied clients

There are very many business leaders who have experienced my expertise and professionalism as a coach, mentor, facilitator, interviewer or as a director, manager, leader, supplier, customer, partner or friend that will happily vouch for my expertise and professionalism.

Read or view some of them here