About your challenges
As an operational business leader

I help real leaders address real practical challenges, mainly around subjects like:


Strategy and Growth


Growth plans
(Avoid the plateau)

Considering goals or strategy

Looking to exit

Concerned about succession

Looking to grow quickly

Plateauing or not growing fast enough

(Managing cash)

Realising that external funding is needed

Unsure how to approach financers

Having cash flow difficulties

Growing too quickly. Need to manage cash

Won a big contract which needs funding

(Succession and exit)

Questions about acquisition

Has been approached to sell the business

Thinking about retirement or exit

Involved in a shareholder dispute

Parting company with a co-shareholder

(Products & Markets)

Sales have started to decline

Product range becoming outdated

Facing an aggressive new competitor

New competitor is disrupting the industry

Marketing is not getting results

People, Leadership
(and Management)

Staff are not committed or empowered

Dealing with a difficult or sensitive staff issue

Needing to build a management team

Lost a key member of staff

Having difficulty with recruiting

(Suppliers & Customers)

Supply chain problems and let-downs

Important upcoming pitch or presentation

Losing customers and losing pitches

Difficult negotiations

Major project(s) gone or going wrong