Recruitment has changed

Recruitment arena has changed. Recruitment was led by traditional advertisements and agencies. This traditional recruitment model has changed.  They are using platforms like LinkedIn and Glassdoor and traditional advertisements are rare and the agency model has largely polarised between the platforms and the real specialists.

More importantly there has been a massive shift in recruitment power. Traditionally, employers have always had the upper hand over job applicants. It was the role of the applicant to offer their services to a company and to make a convincing case for their uptake.  Modern jobseekers are asking “What can you do for me?” and “Why should I work for you?” 

In this article I explore why are they asking this and how the recruitment model has changed.

Recruitment has changed and is challenging. Can you keep up?

Social media outreach

The explosion of social media sites in the last decade has meant candidates are being approached much more readily than in the past. It is not necessarily that there are more hiring companies in the market, or more vacancies; national unemployment is currently sitting on only 5%. Rather, social media platforms have made the right applicants for job vacancies more visible and accessible to prospective employers.

Encompassing websites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and a whole host of others, the Internet represents a vast candidate database available to everyone online.

Power switch

As a result of this, the recruiter/applicant relationship is beginning to change. More and more job-seekers are expecting interested companies to approach them off the back of their profiles and online CVs. Strong candidates are being headhunted for their skills and companies who do not profile for prospective employees risk missing out on the right candidate to their competitors.

But time is money. So how can you scope and secure the best candidates for you? What is your competitive recruitment edge?

Targeted marketing and sales process

In order to reach candidates, you need a targeted marketing and sales process directed at them. Recruitment needs branding, lead generation, prospect development, conversion and retention as though you were selling to customers.

Consider recruitment in transaction terms; what makes your company stand out? What is its USP? Why should a candidate choose to work for you over one of your competitors?

Engage new joiners

Don’t forget to keep new joiners engaged during their notice period with their previous company. At that time they are susceptible to being poached by another head-hunter or agency intent on persuading them to consider their company or client. There are a number of ways they may attempt to do this, from financial offerings to promotional prospects or other job perks.

By engaging new joiners, you stand a better chance of keeping them involved and invested in their new role with your company.

Invest in your workforce

Put aside 10% of your salary for investment in rewarding, development and retention of your staff. Make them feel valued and appreciated for the work that they complete. Show them that you are grateful for their contributions to your brand and your team. Help them to grow with workshops, presentations and team events. By showing your appreciation for your employees, you nurture positive relationships and cement their job satisfaction.

The value driver of successful recruitment consultants has changed. It’s no longer enough to attract candidates; you need to actively engage them. A modern, forward thinking company’s value is its brand strength and reputation with candidates. What kind of company are you, and can potential employees see that?